The Wildflower Path
When as a busy young mother in the late 1970s I was writing The Flowers of the Field, it was a single, life-changing, all-consuming project. I certainly had no idea there would be a sequel. But a good story has a way of growing and taking on a life of its own, and three years later I embarked on A Flower That’s Free. This time I considered I was definitely finishing the saga. But readers thought otherwise, and more than thirty years later I began The Wildflower Path.
I wanted this to be a modern story, based on a new generation (the youngest character, Raff, is a boy chorister). The book is set in the late 1990s on the eve of the millennium. But the past casts a long shadow, and the personal histories of the Tennant, Kingsley and Drake families still echo down the years, affecting the lives and loves of their descendants.
Never fear – there is an uplifting and redemptive ending of the sort that I love!