Rose Petal Soup
  • Severn House
  • June 2008
  • Hardback / 314 pages
  • ISBN: 0727866621

Rose Petal Soup

This is the story of a long and loving marriage – and what it takes to rock it to its foundations.

Joss and Nico are made for each other. They’ve weathered tough times, his peccadilloes and her bouts of the blues. But nothing they’ve been through has prepared for them for the man their tricky daughter marries, and the consequent fall-out, especially for Joss…

I wanted to capture the mood, mores and manners of the so-called Saga generation, who enter their seventh decade with a spring in their step and a gleam in their eye, but still hopelessly vulnerable to all the usual emotional banana skins.

The book was also another opportunity to look at the rich, rewarding, but occasionally shocking business of family life, this time in the unpredictable noughties.

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